Commercial Vendors

Celebrate the Season at the Spring Festival: Calling Non-Food Vendors!

Step into a world of vibrant festivities at the Spring Festival, a joyous celebration marking the arrival of the Strawberry & Cherry season. We extend a warm invitation to all non-food vendors to join us in commemorating this delightful occasion.


Volunteers are the lifeblood of our communities. With passion and purpose, they freely give their time to make the world a better place. Volunteering not only provides huge benefits to the community, but it is also extremely rewarding and personally satisfying for the volunteer.

We are excited to announce the upcoming Strawberry & Cherry Festival,  As a valued member of our community, we would like to invite you to participate as a volunteer at this vibrant and enriching event.




Become a Bacchus Marsh Strawberry & Cherry Festival Sponsor: Ignite the Magic!

We invite you to join us as a sponsor for the upcoming Strawberry & Cherry Festival – an event that promises to captivate hearts and celebrate the season like never before. Your sponsorship isn't just support; it's an opportunity to be part of an unforgettable experience that brings joy to our community.

Happy clients

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Urban Markets

Our Motto: to grow and connect communities Since 2013, Urban Markets has been consistently contributing to and shaping the event landscape within Victoria, Australia. Our vision: to grow and connect communities. We aim to develop moments in time for people to make memories with loved ones. Whilst simultaneously providing them with direct access to quality home-producers, farmers, artisans, crafters and stallholders.



Please be aware of the traffic Management restrictions to come into Bacchus Marsh. 

Woopack Road
 will be closed both ways to local traffic only - Divert to Fisken Street to access The Avenue of Honour and the road to Eynesbury / Geelong.